IPPM was born in 2002 and its main activity is the manufacture of metal moulds for plastic injection.


With a history reported to 2002, IPPM has been reborn and sustained its evolution since 2013, when 2 of the employees take over the company's destiny, and for its versatility and flexibility of responses in a short time frame they continue to win customer’s trust and maintain loyalty of others.
Focused and committed to making their business sustainable, they have in their machine park the following operating technologies:
- conventional machining,
- 3 axis CNC machining,
- rectification,
- erosion and wire milling,


It has in its curriculum the production of parts for the following industries: Automotive, Packaging and Houseware; Electronics and Pharmacy; they want to expand their responsiveness to these markets. It has in its portfolio the production of moulds of greater technical complexity (Bi Components, Multi-cavities) to the production of moulds of less complexity. The expectations of the current partners are to continue and evolve to a more demanding level by introducing themselves to the market with their competitive strengths and advantages of flexibility and versatility of response while meeting strict deadlines.


With solid and coherent strategies of proximity and direct communication with the Market, IPPM has been able to make its activity viable and build acceptable levels of profitability, based on the following vectors, considered by the partners as being essential for its success and sustained growth: Overall Quality of its products and services; Permanent communication with its customers; Rigor in meeting deadlines; Development of solutions together with its suppliers, guided by the requirements and needs of its customers; Available technical and technological capacity.